Thursday, January 15, 2009

I got a Fanny...Just hear me out!! lol

Well I have been running around town trying to prepare myself for this ridiculously cold NY weather. People are telling me its going to be 3 degrees tomorrow night. 3 DEGREES MY NICCA??!! lol So in the process I have purchase leather gloves, hats, scarfs, and...A FANNY PACK LOL!! now before you start pulling out your pistols just hear me out! Yes I bought a fanny pack...first off the word "Fanny" bothers me, but I need this thing and no I didn't get the really weird looking ones from the 80's. I need to keep as warm as possible I mean I'm from the south as soon a the wind blows we put on coats so I am really scared right now. I want to keep my hands in my pockets at all times.Not everyone can wear one like MEN! Pls don't but I think SOME of them are cute. I think mines is cute. I added some random pics of Fanny Packs...don't ask why I RANDOMLY put the picture of the gun in the fanny lol it was just funny to see that. That gives me an idea...don't push me I might just pack that heat LOL!!!! Ok let me stop!


Kanye pls.... I luv u tho

Dont Ask LOL!

1 comment:

Ainz Neal said...

your not packing nothing...