Saturday, November 21, 2009

Im coming home again...New York

So its been 6 months since I been to New York. (which is unheard of in my book) I had a plan at the beginning of the year to visit every month which I held down up until May. :( Life comes at you hard. For those of you that know me, knows that I plan on moving there permanently. I can't leave Houston unorganized and without a plan. What's that you say??? NO let me fix that...I have a plan I'm still working on that, but anybody who has ever had MAJOR plans knows that it doesn't always go smoothly. With that said I had to pull out a bunch a plan B & Cs but they are working out now.

I'm working on Random Identity on my own taking my time and doing it right. Organizing my personal life, and saving $$$ (you know that's a must) Man I have a story and cant wait to share it with young people with dreams I was looking for flights to NYC last night and started thinking about all my trips out there and immediately fell nostalgic. started looking back a pictures and it gave an extra boost of energy to complete my task and come back home again......


Anonymous said...

The blessing is in the struggle. Everything will be fine... You'll be on your way to New York in no time. Take me with you as well. New York New Yorrrrrrrrrrrrrrk!!!!! Lol


Sanue said...

Let me begin by telling you that you are doing everything exactly right. As i was reading your blog i kept nodding my head in agreement. There are alot of things you want to do, but you must always have a plan and be prepared if you want everything to go right. You will always have bumps on the road, but thats inevitable. Everything takes sacrifice and ALOT of patience, the good thing is you have a vision and determination. That is the perfect recipe for success. I have been in your shoes as far as moving to another state. Girl, even though i was dying to just up and leave i planned, saved up and three months later i was on my way. I know all too well the feeling of wanting to start over somewhere else when you feel like theres nothing keeping you where your currently at. I dont know, but i already like you because you are how many of us are. I admire you because you not only have dreams , but your on your way to making them a reality. You remind me of me. Continue the hardwork and before you know it you will be in New York and Random Identity will be up and running. :)

Random Identity said...

Sanue....Thank you sometimes I need a reminder that im not the only one going through the fire....thanks for believing in me. Sheka u know I love you!