Tuesday, September 23, 2008

MY POWER IS BACK ON!! and.....I really need this

Thank the heavenly father above! My power is back on. I just found out this morning! Ok so blogging is back in full swing! and by the way Im preparing to move and the new place with have an office for me to work on Random Identity and I really want this lamp in there. What do you think? It's called a "Titanic lamp" lol cute right? Apart of me thinks it's kewl and unique and another part of me feels like after a while it will get annoying and just look like a stupid broken lamp! lol

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

man o man, thank God your lights and mine r on. lol, never thought lights meant so much to me being that i keep them off when im in my room. the lamps nice, but knowing u, after a while a cooler one will attract your eye, where is it and how much. i can start a donation for u ms random id. lol